About Me

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Wife, mother, friend, and entrepreneur...my desire is to see women come together as friends with fun things to share! To use creativity to enjoy life and hopefully make a little money at times :) I enjoy exploring these things- I hope you enjoy them too!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"For the Birds"

I love to find new purpose for old things, like many of you- AND, I love to search stores like Goodwill for great buys!
Here is a Bird Feeder I made out of 2 existing plates- one was already painted like a beautiful sunflower, so I painted the other one to match...

Then I just glued the two together using Gorilla Glue (which is amazing stuff)! It's also water proof... Now I can't decide whether to stake it in the yard, or hang it on chain...either way, it will be a unique bird feeder for about $7 total

Here's another idea for the birds!
I was able to use a couple of things I already had and wasn't using- a metal plant stand, and a handful of colorful rocks- and combined it with...this beautiful bowl from, once again, the Goodwill!! 
There was a hole in the bottom, so I super-glued one of the rocks over it and let it dry, thereby allowing it to hold water! I know, genius, right? ;)

The plate was so beautiful on it's own, I just couldn't resist!!  Hope you enjoy!
Here's a closeup!
BTW- The birds loved it!! =)

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