About Me

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Wife, mother, friend, and entrepreneur...my desire is to see women come together as friends with fun things to share! To use creativity to enjoy life and hopefully make a little money at times :) I enjoy exploring these things- I hope you enjoy them too!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Brand New Hallway!!

So, since I'm waiting to sell some of these pics in frames, I decided to use our house as more of the display.  I spent some time looking at different ways people grouped photographs in their homes and decided today to start- literally 1 frame at a time!  Here are some of the stages...

I literally started with the frame on the left slightly above the light switch.  Then, according to color in the photographs, I tried various ones around to create balance.  This is 7 frames in...and granted, looks a little crooked, but wait until we get a little farther ahead...

Here (on the left) we've added 3 more frames, going up the stairs, keeping them at a similar distance apart.

This is a closer look UP the stairs!

Now I took a break and stepped away and came back about a half hour later when I had a chance to think.  What I am NOT showing you is ALL the photographs I have spread all over the sitting room to choose from! =)  Messy for a purpose! O.k. after that rest, I jumped in and put the rest of them- once again ONE AT A TIME...moving them around and eyeing it the whole way...
Here's where I'm at now...

And here's a view from the top down...

And here are a couple straight on...

I'm so happy with the way it turned out!  But I am always looking for comments and feedback!
(Please forgive my occasional bump on a frame as I took these photos- there are a couple crooked!)  Not completely done, yet, but we're getting there!

And as always THANK YOU for liking my blog!!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

One more example of using Photography!

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Three pieces of 11X14 photography of a Flamingo Imitating a Swan I took and developed into 3 different colors that pick up the colors in our front room- the blue, the black and white, and the orange/red.  Here is a close up of the pictures themselves:

Decorating doesn't have to be difficult or fussy.  And this is a cost effective way of changing the look of your room frequently- I am not a huge fan of expensive art, because I enjoy moving things around and don't want to toss out an $800 painting because I'm a little bored with it :)  But that's just me...comments are always welcome!

Easy Photography and Art Displays

Another simple example of displaying similar photographs on
a small wall- actually makes the wall appear larger!  Similar matting helps tie them together!

Widening a Collection of Art

So I showed the beginning of a collage of photographs in an earlier decorating post.  The new room- turning the rarely used dining room into my own little place :)  This is a demonstration of how it has shifted and I've added different pictures that I loved.  You can do this too!

Just to remind you- here is a before:

And here's a more current picture:
Using same size frames on each side to maintain balance, I've slowly made a larger impact statement above the couch.  I love being surrounded by beautiful and inspiring things!  And even more satisfactory- AFORDABLE!!  By the way, the amazing quilt on the couch was a self-made gift from one of my moms! 
Never be afraid to play around with your pictures- it helps to have someone hold them up to the wall so you can stand back and eye it :)  And always place them on the floor and move them around first!!
Your feedback is ALWAYS welcome...

Classy Black Doors!

I saw this simple idea on Pinterest and loved it!  When I tried one, I was out of my mind, so I did all of the rest.  Here is an easy way to classy up your doors- from white to black. 

This is the only picture of before.
And these are the afters!

Absolutely love the outcome! And all it took was a few cans of spray paint! (Of course we took the doors off the hinges and outside first =)  Never be afraid to try...